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Aarogya Rog Mukti Kendra

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Aarogya Rog Mukti Kendra Akshi tarpan For eyes Nasya for head and nose Potli for all type of pains Karn Puran for ears Karn dhupan for ears Shiro pichu for headache Sneh dhadha for digestive system Pari Sheikh for digestive system Bahaiy vasti for pain Abhyang for blood circulation and body pain Surya snan for obesity Enema Kunjal ya Vaman for pitt and cough Udhvartan for obesity Yoga classes for complete healthcare contact number 88106 18920 Faridabad

Email: chayanaggarwal98@gmail.comCity: Faridabad, Haryana
I am a social media influencer

Page Details

Aarogya Rog Mukti Kendra Akshi tarpan For eyes Nasya for head and nose Potli for all type of pains Karn Puran for ears Karn dhupan for ears Shiro pichu for headache Sneh dhadha for digestive system Pari Sheikh for digestive system Bahaiy vasti for pain Abhyang for blood circulation and body pain Surya snan for obesity Enema Kunjal ya Vaman for pitt and cough Udhvartan for obesity Yoga classes for complete healthcare contact number 88106 18920 Faridabad

Email: chayanaggarwal98@gmail.comCity: Faridabad, Haryana
I am a social media influencer