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4 Tips for conversation over phone with customers

Published: Sep 2nd, 2022

In today's world, the phone has become the most important means of communication for any service provider. Every customer likes to first contact the service provider on the phone, and then only if he is satisfied, the deal is made. Therefore, by paying attention to the small aspects of communicating on the phone, we could not only build good relationships with our customers but also increase our income.

So what are these 4 tips that we need to keep in mind while talking on the phone?

First, keep a positive attitude while talking on the phone.

If you receive a phone call from a new number, always assume it's a potential customer.

So, when you pick up the call, your voice should be positive and cheerful.

If you are busy or unable to talk at that time for any reason, it is better not to pick up the call. But as soon as you get a chance, make sure to call-back. Keep in mind that you may lose customers if you delay too much in calling them back.

Secondly, listen carefully to the customer and give clear answers.

Be on a listening mode with the customer on phone.

Do not use speaker-phone, unless it is neccesary.

The customer expects you focus on his problem, so do that.

You may ask questions to better understand the customer's needs. For Eg:"Yes, I understand. You need a piano-teacher for your child. How old is your child?"

Thirdly, be honest with the customer and offer the most appropriate solution to his query.

After fully understanding the customer's needs, offer your solution. Always be mindful of what is the best for the customer.

Even if you can not provide the service that the customer is looking for, you may make a helpful suggestion. For Eg:"Yes, I understand. You need a piano teacher for your child. But I only teach guitar. Although, I know a very good piano teacher. If you want, I can share his phone number?"

If you can serve the customer, inform him of your availability and confirm with the timing as well. For Eg:"Sure, I can start the class from next week. Would you prefer Wednesday evening at 6 pm or Friday evening at 7 pm?"

Lastly, ensure the customer’s satisfaction.

Before ending the call, make sure that the customer understands all the information you have provided. At the end, you should ask:"What else can I help you with?"

End the call by saying ‘thank you’ after answering the last question:"Thank you for calling me"

Hope these tips will help you in strengthening your relationship with your customers and increase your sales.

Below video explains above mentioned tips in Hindi language, specially made for benefit of any user who has difficulty with understanding English language.

Author: This article has been created and published by team.

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